[Whakaaturanga] 2023 interauto, Moscow, Russia, Booth # D232, 22nd-25th, Akuhata, Akuhata, Akuhata, Akuhata, 2023

61 tirohanga

Whakaaturanga: Interauto automechanika moscow
Crocus Expo IEC
Pavilion: Interauto (Expoctre Expotition Center)
Wāhi noho: Crocus-Expo Iec, Krasnogors, 65-66 km Moscow Ring Road, Russia
Rangi: Akuhata 22ND - 25th, 2023
KairaoraBooth No.: D232

Mauruuru ki a maatau hoa aroha katoa ki te toro ki to maatau whare, kei te koa matou kei te whakaatu a o maatau kaihoko i o raatau whakaaro. Ko te tumanako ka pai taatau pakihi.

I whakaatu a Bulbtek i te taenga hou me nga taonga hoko wera:Nga arotahi a te kaiarahi bi-arahi(laser me nga tauira tae e toru, 2.5inch / 3.0inch tauira), he mana nuiKo nga topuku rama rama, ko te rahi o nga topuku rama rama (whakakapihia te rama halogen tika, nga topuku tohu tohu (hurihuri, te whakahuri, me etahi atu).
Kei te hiahia ahau ki te mohio ko tehea o o maatau hua e akiaki ana i a koe i muri i tenei whakaaturanga, kia hoki mai ki o maatau hua:
1.Nga arotahi a te kaiarahi bi-arahi

2.High te manaTe motuka rama rama rama

Ko te raupapa 3.mini (ka taea te whakakapi i te rama halogen tika)

4.Ko nga topuku tohu arataki(hurihuri, ka hurihuri, te paru, te kohu, me etahi atu)

Kua whakawhānui ake a Bulbtek i te whānuitanga o nga rama rama rama, me te tirotiro i nga hiahia o nga kaihoko, me tuku atu ki a maatau ki te korero atu ki a koe mo te korerorero .

Paetukutuku Bulbtek:https://www.bulbtek.com/
Toa alibaba:https://www.bulbtek.com.cn
He maha atu nga ataata me nga pikitia i runga i to maatau Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube me Tiktok.

Bulbtek arahi


Te wa tuku: Akuhata-30-2023
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